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FDA-approved non-surgical double chin reduction

A pesky bulge underneath the chin that won’t respond to diet and exercise is something that our patients have been expressing concern about. That’s why we decided to offer Kybella. This is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment proven to reduce submental fullness (fat underneath the chin).


Kybella is an injectable treatment made up of synthetic deoxycholic acid which is a molecule that breaks down fat in our bodies. Injecting this synthetic version of the molecule into the submental fat under the chin aids in breaking it down and flushing it out of the body naturally.

Since everyone is born with a different amount of dietary fat cells, the number of treatments really depends on the patient and how much fullness needs to be addressed. But the most common number of treatment sessions are between 2-4 appointments. This question can be easily answered in a complimentary consultation with one of our team members as we will customize a treatment plan specifically to fit your needs and goals.

The beauty of eliminating fat cells is that they will never return. However, the aging process will continue and additional skin tightening may be recommended to maintain a smooth jawline. 

Candidates for this treatment should be in good health and at their ideal weight. Usually patients that are living a healthy lifestyle but can’t get rid of that last pocket of fat enjoy best results. If there is excessive sagging skin underneath the chin then additional procedures such as skin tightening may be recommended.

How do I get started?

Getting started is simple. Just give us a call at 951-778-1111 or contact us online to set up your complimentary Kybella consultation.

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